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Important Questions About Personal Injury Los Angeles

 Important Questions About Personal Injury LA

  • What happens after filing a lawsuit?

Ideally, an injured person would simply submit a claim to the insurance company and then be able to negotiate a fair value to resolve the claim. If this is not possible or the insurance company is making an offer far less than what claim is worth, then you need to file a lawsuit.

The process after a lawsuit is filed is handled by us as your attorneys. After lawsuit is filed at the court, many things are handled by us. Attorneys for each side typically begin gathering facts through exchange of documents, written questions or depositions. At this stage many cases get settled before trial. Only a small percentage of personal injury actions ever go to trial.

  • What will I get if I win my case in court?

If you win the case, it means that a judge has issued a verdict stating that the other party is legally obligated to pay you for your losses. That amount can include compensation for such expenses as medical bills and lost wages, as well as compensation for future wage losses. It also compensates your suffering and damages for any physical disfigurement or disability.

  • What does it mean to settle a case?

Settling a case means that you agree to accept money in return for dropping your action against the person who injured you. The settlement finalizes the claim and closes the case; hence there is typically no option for future damage claims. Your attorney can to provide a realistic assessment of a settlement offer, while the final decision is yours.

  • Does a personal injury lawsuit have to be filed within a certain amount of time?

As the state of California has certain time limit known as “statute of limitations”, it is important to speak with personal injury attorney as soon as possible. It not only helps to make the case stronger but also increases the chances of getting fair justice. In case, you miss the statutory deadline for filing a case, your case will likely be dismissed by the court.

  • Can an undocumented immigrant sue for personal injury?

Non-citizens or immigrant does not mean you will be devoid of right to get compensation after personal injury accident. There is law to protect information about plaintiff’s immigration status.

In California, your immigration status should not affect your personal injury case.

If you are an undocumented immigrant and you have been hurt in any kind of accident, don’t give up on the possibility of compensation.

  • What happens if I don’t file a claim?

Here are the consequences of not filing the claim-

  • The statute of limitations will expire and your claim is lost forever.
  • You will have to incur all future medical expenses.
  • You will not be compensated for your loss of wages due to injury.

Although, it is the decision of the victim about filing personal injury claim, a personal injury attorney can help you understand the complex legal matters that may be involved in your case. Call us at (213) 652-3673 and get free preliminary consultation.

Immigration Policy Reform & Representations of Immigrants in LA

Immigration policy reform and representations of immigrants in LA

According to PPIC, California is home to almost 11 million immigrants-about a quarter of the foreign-born population nationwide. After the recent presidential elections, California is paving the way for a state inclusive policy of its immigrant community.

Currently, as per the law undocumented Californians can obtain their driver’s licenses. It lets all immigrants, regardless of status, to obtain professional licenses and funding to provide health insurance to undocumented seniors.

As reported in LA Times, President Joe Biden recommitted the government to DACA, ended the border wall construction, halted deportation for 100 days and proposed the term “noncitizen” to people who immigrate to USA. With introduction of fresh immigration reform plan, every immigration case will have guaranteed and meaningful access to legal defense.

Whether you are entering United Stated of America as a result of job offer from US employer, student seeking higher studies or seeking asylum, you need an immigration attorney to represent your case.

The fact is that immigration law changes quickly – and new rules are implemented all the time. Therefore, it’s always best to work with an attorney who practices immigration cases such as family or business immigration, visa, asylum, DACA and immigration appeals.

The Shahbaz Firm- Immigration Attorney in Los Angeles

We handle immigration and personal injury cases in Los Angeles and surrounding areas, including Glendale, Burbank, Van Nuys, Pasadena and Griffith Park. We help individuals throughout the world obtain their immigration objectives.

Having extensive experience in assisting individuals in their deportation proceeding, we offer counsel in citizenship through naturalization, U Visas, Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), NACARA, family-based adjustment, consular processing, waivers, asylum, as well as assisting clients with a non-immigrant visa. We are staffed with bilingual immigration law attorney and paralegals capable of handling individual and family based immigration matters.

Contact us today and get started with your case!

Are Personal Injury Cases Handled IN COVID-19 Pandemic?

The corona virus pandemic has shook up businesses of all sizes, and unemployment rates are historically high. Many of those who have active personal injury claims and even those wondering if they might have a claim are asking what impact the pandemic will have on them.

The personal injury attorneys and clients alike have been uniquely affected while attempting to navigate their cases during this pandemic. Clients are rightfully concerned about seeking medical treatment for their injuries in the age of social distancing. They are also wondering whether insurance companies will still pay insurance claims.

You might have got a follow-up appointment scheduled or you’ve been receiving physical therapy. These and many other routine kinds of medical services might not be available these days.

Amid these crises, you will probably feel pressured to take the first settlement an insurance company offers you because a promise of any amount of money can be advantageous. We encourage you not to fall victim to weak offers and contact a reliable personal injury attorney to get fair compensation for your personal injury cases. You can continue medical care while an attorney can help you filling and building legal cases and arguments.

During this uncertain time, we also do not want you make any mistakes that can cost you if you are not informed.

First and foremost, California insurance companies are still paying liability and health insurance claims during this crisis. Under California Insurance Code, insurance agencies must still investigate, process, and pay insurance claims. The state government has informed insurance companies that this statute still applies during the ongoing pandemic in a notice issued on March 18, 2020. – Sources

As maintaining strong medical records is a perquisite for a good personal injury case, we strongly advise personal injury plaintiff to continue medical treatment with exact dates of diagnoses, changes or worsening of symptoms, or fluctuations of health. This can provide a strong foundation for personal injury cases.

Again, it is important to have patience and work with a personal injury attorney while ensuring that your claim is developing correctly.

Book your online appointment call us today (213) 652-3673

Motorcycle accidents in la-damages, causes and personal injury claim

Motorcycling is a risky form of transportation, especially when combined with factors such as lack of helmet use, speeding, and alcohol use, not only to the rider but also the pedestrian. 

The effects of a crash involving a motorcycle can often be devastating. While 20 percent of passenger vehicle crashes result in injury, an astounding 70 percent of motorcycle crashes result in major injury or death.

  • Most of the injuries sustained by motorcyclists in a collision are to the upper leg, lower leg, knee and ankle
  • About 15 % of motorcycle collisions result in a groin injury to the biker
  • Traumatic brain injury and paralysis are the most serious injuries suffered by motorcyclists following a collision when the head strikes unyielding pavement or another fixed object,
  • Head trauma and brain injury can result, and bone breaks and fractures, internal organ injuries, limb amputation, severe road rash, neck and back injuries and disfigurement.
Abogado de lesiones personales
Accidents in LA- Damages, Causes and Personal Injury Claim

If you are unfortunate enough to have been involved in such an incident, contact our personal injury attorney today.

While everyone knows the risks of getting injured by motorcycle accidents, it is advisable to wear protective gears and educated self about safe driving. Here are common causes of motorcycle accidents

  • Speeding or head on collision
  • Driving under the influence
  • Lane splitting
  • Sudden stops
  • Left turn accidents
  • Dangerous road conditions
  • Motorcycle defects

Whatever may be the reason, if you have suffered injuries from motorcycle accidents, you have two years in California from the date of accident to file suit against liable party. If you fail to file in time, you will be barred from pursuing compensation for your losses.

Hence, it is highly advised that you speak with an experienced personal injury attorney as soon as possible, before your claim is put in jeopardy.  An experienced personal injury attorney in LA will help you build your case and will give you an accurate estimate of what you’re likely to get from a settlement or lawsuit.


Want more answers? Contact our personal injury attorney today.

Get in touch with Us

Danish Shahbaz
425 E. Colorado St., Suite 610
Glendale, CA 91205
Phone (213) 250-2210
Fax    (213) 250-2211
Monday-Friday: 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.

Let's Talk

Primary Contact Form

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